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Internships & Career Services College of Engineering & Computer Science

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ECS Career Co-op Information

Traditionally, cooperative education is the practice of alternating a student’s studies with paid professional work related to their major. The co-op registration process can be found below.

How do I Qualify to do a Co‐op?

Co‐op is open to juniors, seniors and graduate students who meet the minimum GPA requirement as set by their major department. Co‐op is an internship with duties that directly relate to the student’s major. In addition, the company or agency offering the co-op must be willing to enter into a site agreement with the University.
If you are an international student, and uncertain if you should enroll in Co-op, please first consult with IPGE staff before submitting any forms.


If you work full-time you can earn up to (12) undergraduate units and (9) graduate units. International students must sign up for (12) units if undergraduate and (9) units if graduate.


To ENROLL in a 195/295 , student must submit Internship Registration & Learning Agreement Form AND a copy of the current offer letter or extension letter.

In lieu of an offer letter, we would need a memo (on company letterhead). It needs to include employment range (which should at least coincide with the semester start/end dates), #of hours per week, pay rate, description of job duties performed.

Email the forms AND offer letter in ONE pdf file. The department will email if they have questions regarding the position. Approval/enrollment process will take 1-2 weeks.

Email your pdf file to your department:





Enrollment in 195A

For 195A you should send the following items to via email, to enroll in the proper course, section, and units:

  • A copy of your offer letter. This letter is written by the employer and must include the company name and address, your position title, salary, co-op 195A start and completion date, number of hours you will be working per week, a short position description, the address where you will be working, and the employer’s signature.
  • A Student Internship Application form & learning agreement. (Attached)
  • A copy of your signed Declaration of Policies for Off-Campus Learning Experiences.
  • A copy of your signed Statement of Understanding.
  • An unofficial transcript
  • In your email please make sure to note your class registration date (date and time), the number of course units you wish to obtain and the number of units you are currently enrolled in at the present time (not including expected co-op units).


At the end of the semester of enrollment, you will need to submit an evaluation/report to receive credit for you internship/Co-op experience. If you are not contacted 1 week before finals, then send an email to your major department staff asking for clarification.


For information on Circular Practical Training (CPT) and Optional Practical Training (OPT), refer to Sacramento State's IPGE guidelines for CPT/OPT.