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Grants Academic Affairs
Summer and Fall 2024 and Spring 2025 UPDATES:
Application are due before March 1, 2025.
The Academically Related Activities (ARA) Grant and the Student Academic Development (SAD) Grant are available to students to help reimburse travel (hotel, airfare, etc.) and registration expenses for attendance and/or participation in conferences, workshops, exhibitions, competitions, or other academically related activities. Please see below for information and how to apply for these grants. This grant funding opportunity supports activities that extend students’ educational experiences beyond the normal instructional environment. Any trips that are for a class where the student receives a grade and/or course credit are not eligible for the funding (e.g. study abroad). We encourage students from all academic disciplines to apply.
1) Applications will be accepted in the Summer/Fall 2024 and Spring 2025 for conferences attended after May 1, 2024 until May 1, 2025. If only virtual attendance at conferences is allowed, we will reimburse for registration to those conferences, if in-person attendance at conferences is allowed we will be able to reimburse for registration and travel expenses (flights, hotel, etc.). If you attend a conference this summer, make sure to save all receipts, conference badges, and other materials to show your attendance. Grant applications will start to be reviewed at the beginning of the Fall semester.
*Note: We will make every attempt to reimburse for conferences attended in May and June 2024, but funding is not guaranteed, may occur at the end of the year, or be reduced since this falls outside of the academic calendar year.*
2) Currently all applications must be submitted electronically. The completed application must be emailed to
NOTE: Since an advisor needs to sign the application, please discuss with them the best way to get their signature. It can be an e-signature, or another method that confirms they are "signing" the grant application form (attached email from them, etc.).
All receipts must be sent to Dr. Emily Wickelgren at within two weeks of the end of the conference/workshop. Please see "Reimbursement Process" section below on details for the types of receipts and other documentation needed and purchases that can be reimbursed.
Theses fund support Academic Related Activities (ARA) and Student Academic Development (SAD) and are for reimbursement only.
Must be an active student at Sacramento State during the semester when attending the conference to be eligible for grant funding. Students that have graduated prior to attending a conference are not eligible for funding.
Application Timeline
Funds are distributed as applications are submitted on a first come, first served basis, through March 1, 2025. There is no guarantee funds will be available throughout the year. Students should apply for funds as soon as they know they will be attending the conference, and are encouraged to do so as early as possible to maximize the chance of funding.
Amount Awarded
- ARA awards will not exceed $400 for in-state conferences and $600 for out-of-state conferences.
- SAD awards will not exceed $400. The SAD Grant will not cover the cost of out-of-sate transportation, but you will be reimbursed for lodging and registration.
- Applicants are eligible for the maximum amount requested (within the parameters of the program guidelines) between the two grant programs.
- Full funding is not a guarantee.
- The Academic Affairs staff will place applicants into the appropriate program to maximize applicant's potential reimbursement amount.
- When to Apply: You are eligible to apply for a conference as soon as you plan on attending, so students are encouraged to apply as early as they can. Acceptance to the conference can happen after applying for the grans. Note the deadline for applying for the grants is in March, so it may be before your conference.
- Group projects: Groups of students attending a conference together are NOT considered "group projects" and must submit individual applications.
- Budget: Do not include the cost of food, textbooks, membership fees, gas, etc. (broader list included in "Program Agreement" page). The SAD Grant will not cover the cost of out-of-sate transportation, but you will be reimbursed for lodging and registration.
- Receipts: Receipts do NOT need to be turned in with application. However, failure to turn in receipts by deadline may result in a forfeit of awarded funds.
- Award Process: All applicants will be notified via email with the status of grant funding. These are reimbursement grants and will only be awarded if original receipts are submitted.
- Combined Booking: If you are using a travel agency or booking online, lodging and transportation must be listed separately.
- Failure to List Item: Expenses not listed in the budget will NOT be reimbursed.
Reimbursement Process
- All applicants will be notified by e-mail as soon as possible after these deadlines, usually within 6 weeks.
- All receipts must have your name on the receipt (if applicable) and must indicate the expense has been paid.
- Special arrangements for reimbursement after the deadlines can be requested. Exceptions are not guaranteed.
- DO NOT pay for flights or hotels with "points" as those cannot be reimbursed.
- Gas will NOT be reimbursed. Mileage for your trip will be reimbursed if the cost of the mileage is less than the cost of a flight.
- Original receipts, boarding passes, name tags, copies of credit cards used, and final statement MUST be submitted to be reimbursed from the ARA grant.
- If you are sharing an Airbnb or hotel room with other students, please note that we will need a memo indicating how much each student paid. If one student picked up the full bill, submit a copy of that plus proof that the other students paid the one student back (like a Venmo screenshot including names of both parties). All students need to sign the memo saying the amounts listed were correct and each student needs to submit their own copy of it with their reimbursement documents. If staying at a hotel you MUST provide an itemized statement, a screenshot of your reservation will not suffice.
- Please be advised that the Accounts Payable office is understaffed which means that reimbursements are taking longer to be processed than expected, estimated 1-2 months after your documents are processed and submitted to the Accounts Payable office.
- If notified by the Academic Affairs staff, please complete a Vendor Data Form.
- Grant reimbursement is subject to University policy and reimbursement guidelines.